Tadpoles to Frogs

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How can we teach animal science?

Tadpoles to Frogs

Plastic container

Do you have a pond or stream nearby? If so, collect tadpoles in mid-spring. Your children will enjoy watching them grow and change.
•First, prepare an "observation tank." A plastic dishpan or large plastic jar will be fine. You'll want to outfit it with a screen top when the critters get too big.
•Now collect some tadpoles from your local pond or stream. Put them into a plastic transfer jar along with the pond water.
•Provide rocks that project above the surface, so the tadpoles can climb out of the water once they develop legs--remember, they're becoming air breathers.
•Also be sure to add fresh (not tap) water weekly. Point out to your child how their legs emerge and their tails disappear as they grow.
•When the tadpoles become mature frogs take them back to their pond or stream.
•Visit the pond a year later and thank them for serving as guest lecturers in your home biology class.



4/19/2007 4:24:54 PM
Cayce said:

This is great, our kids want to catch the tadpoles and all the other sites I found are to buy the kits. One question... do we have to put anything in with the tadpoles for food?


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