Educators Information Tips

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How do I find a private school job?

Finding A Private School Job

Here's How:
1.Start the job search process early.
2.Think clearly about what you want.
3.Think objectively about what you offer.
4.Observe deadlines!
5.Keep your resume current, short and job specific.
6.Include only relevant details in your resume.
7.Make yourself appealing and likeable!
8.Network constantly.
9.E-mail makes networking easy!
10.Remember people and they will remember you!
11.Be reasonable and flexible.
12.Have reasonable salary expectations.
13.Show your willingness to undertake extra duties.
14.Search job listings which are aimed specifically at the private school sector.
15.Register with an employment agency. Some schools only hire through agencies.
16.Practice your interviewing skills. Do some role playing!
17.Express your enthusiasm for the position. Show it too!

How can I have a great first year?


It is important for schools to provide mentoring to students. If your school system does not already have a mentoring system in place, then link up with a veteran teacher and ask them for advice and help. Professional isolation is deadly!

How can I refresh my skills and get credit for it?

Not Happy With Your Evaluation?

Ask for an improvement plan that will allow you to be re-evaluated and that you complete within the next 6-9 weeks. For example, if you were marked down because of your disciplinary problems, then attend classes, observe master teachers, etc. Not only do you get another chance, but you learn new tricks of the trade as well.

How do I find a teaching job?

How To Make A Professional Portfolio

What better way to introduce your skills and achievements to prospective employers than with a perfectly-designed professional portfolio?

1. Create a file folder in which to file and save all professional documentation (fliers from conferences, test scores, photos, anything!)
2. Visit your nearest office supply store and buy the nicest faux leather three ring binder they offer.
3. Also, buy some plastic non-glare page protectors.
4. Sort through the papers and documents you've been saving.
5. Put the items into your page protectors in a logical order, starting with your resume first.
6. Add test scores, training documentation, evaluations and lesson plans to the front of your portfolio.
7. Include photos of you with students where appropriate.
8. Add samples of student work when possible.
9. Complete the portfolio with copies of all your letters of recommendation.
10.This is the time to strut your stuff, so include anything that demonstrates your skills and experience.
11.You might also like to add a brief, typed explanation of your educational philosophy.
12.Carry this portfolio with you to all interviews, job fairs, etc.

Will an employment agency help me find a job?

Job Listings

If you are looking for a teaching job or other academic position, a successful national employment search is but a click away!

If you are a school administrator or department head, this is your chance to find the best and brightest candidates for open positions in your school or institution.

Academic Employment Network (AEN) lists available positions in colleges, primary and secondary educational institutions for faculty, staff, and administrative professionals.

How do I find a teaching job?

How To Find A Teaching Job

You can't really teach without a job, right? Your future students are out there someplace. Here's how to search for the perfect job for you.

1.Decide on the approximate grade level you would most like to teach.
2.Determine which district(s) you will contact about openings.
3.Call the district's Human Resources Department to learn their application procedures.
4.Browse through employment postings on the web, especially sites that specialize in education jobs.
5.Attend appropriate job fairs in your area.
6.Complete and submit all required paperwork and documentation promptly.
7.If appropriate, send resumes out to the principals of schools you are interested in.
8.If you are currently substitute teaching, submit resumes to principals in person and invite them to observe you in the classroom.
9.Compile a professional portfolio to bring to your interviews.
10.During an interview, dress professionally, portray confidence, and smile.
11.Be patient and flexible as decisions are being made.
12.When you receive an offer, communicate your decision to the district or school as soon as possible.
13.If you do not receive an offer right away, consider substitute teaching until the right opportunity arises.

What are discretionary grants?

Discretionary Grants

When Congress does not provide a formula for the distribution of available funds, the Department is able to exercise a certain amount of discretion consistent with the authorizing legislation (hence the term discretionary grants) concerning who may participate in the program, the extent of participation, or both. When this occurs, it is necessary to establish criteria for selection and for program size and growth. It is also necessary to establish some mechanism for competition among applicants.

What is a formula grant?

Formula Grants

Money provided under a formula grant program is allotted according to a pre-set formula, based on population, per capita income, specialized clientele, or some other measure of need or a combination of measures specified in the authorizing legislation. Such grants are usually made to state governments but may be made to local governments and can be passed through state governments to institutions within the state. There may be provisions for reallocation of unused funds or restrictions on the rate of program growth or decline. Also specified is the percentage of program cost that the federal government will share with the recipient population to be served. Whatever the formula, the discretion of the federal agency is limited to applying the formula and to setting rules for operation of the program within the limits of the formula.

Can teachers learn from one another?

Self-Evaluation Need Help?

Every year you have to fill out that form telling about your professional growth, but sometimes those classes and seminars just plain cost too much. Your self-eval is lacking. Find out who the master teachers are at your school - in all subject areas/grades. Ask them if you can visit their classrooms once a week during your planning period. Observe and learn. After several observations of each, write a short report of what you saw, liked, disliked, learned and can use in your own classroom. After you implement some of these changes, ask those master teachers to observe you and tell you how you're doing. They may learn something, too!

What do private schools require of their teachers?

How To Become a Private School Teacher

Follow these steps to become a private school teacher
Time Required: 3-6 years

Here's How:
1.Be passionate about your subject.
2.Have an overwhelming urge to impart your subject to others.
3.Obtain a degree in your subject and/or related fields.
4.Take education courses so that you understand teaching methodologies.
5.Earn certification to teach your speciality
6.Convince a school to hire you so that you can get 3-5 years experience teaching.
7.Identify a trusted mentor to whom you can turn for advice and support as you pursue your teaching career.

1.You know that you are born to teach if you love being around people and enjoy interacting with them.
2.You don't have to be college age to become a teacher! Most schools today look for teachers with other professional and life experiences besides teaching.

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