Firefly Lamp

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How can I get the children interesting in insects?

Firefly Lamp

•Plastic jar
•Piece of stocking
•Rubber band
•OPTIONAL - Insect net

Do you have fireflies in your area? If so, you have nature's lighting at your fingertips.
•Fireflies are easy to catch with a large plastic jar or net (you can purchase an insect net or make one yourself).
•Place them in a transparent plastic container, using a piece of stocking and a rubber band for a top. Be sure to explain to your child that the insects are fragile (supervise their capture and transfer), and that you're going to let them go when it's time to turn in.
•Once your child has collected a dozen or so fireflies, place the jar where its inhabitants can be easily observed. See if your child can time the intervals between flashes.
Questions to ask:Is the time interval always the same? What is the greatest number of fireflies lighting up at the same time? Do some fireflies seem to light up more than others?



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