Measuring Snowfall

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Measuring Snowfall

Materials Needed:
Yardstick or any long, straight stick
Colored ribbons or string

How much snow really fell in your yard last winter? How much is out there now? This activity will turn your child into an expert on the subject.

•At the first snow of the year, take a long, straight stick or yardstick and tell your children to put it in the snow until its bottom touches the ground.
•Select a level area that isn't subjected to excessive wind. If you're using a yardstick, your children can read off the snowfall level and jot it down in a notebook. If you have a plain stick, children can tie a string or colored ribbon at the point the snow comes up to on the stick. You both can then measure the snowfall with a ruler.
•At each subsequent snowfall, children can measure the new snowfall and compare it to the previous spot on the stick. Add a new ribbon to a plain stick. If all the snow melts before the next snowfall, they start measuring at the bottom again.
•Encourage them to add the totals all season long.



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