Building Self-Esteem

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How can I ensure my child´s success?

Building Self-Esteem

1.Have child make a "book" about themselves, with their own illustrations and wording. "A Book About Me" is a great way to help your child see herself as "somebody."
2.Help your child discover their roots by talking with family members during holiday and other visits.
3.Constantly look for ways to tell your children what you like about them, that you love them. There is no age limit on this. "When I do something well, no one ever remembers. When I do something wrong, no one ever forgets." Those words were written by a high school dropout.
4.Let kids overhear you praising them to others.
5.Try "King/Queen for a Day" for good report cards.
6.Help kids learn from problems, not be devastated by them. Many parents don't ever use the word "failure." They may talk about a "glitch," a "problem," or a "snag." But even when something doesn't work out as they'd planned, successful people try to learn something from the experience.



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