Parents Fostering Creativity

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How can I help my gifted child be more creative?

Parents Fostering Creativity

Encourage curiosity, exploration, experimentation, fantasy, questioning, testing, and the development of creative talents.
Provide opportunities for creative expression, creative problem-solving and constructive response to change and stress.
Prepare children for new experiences, and help develop creative ways of coping with them.
Find ways of changing destructive behavior into constructive, productive behavior rather than relying on punitive methods of control.
Find creative ways of resolving conflicts between individual family members' needs and the needs of the other family members.
Make sure that every member of the family receives individual attention and respect and is given opportunities to make significant, creative contributions to the welfare of the family as a whole.
Use what the school provides imaginatively, and supplement the school's efforts.
Give the family purpose, commitment, and courage. (Torrance, 1969, p. 59)



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