July 24, 2009, Newsletter Issue #249: September 5 Activities

Tip of the Week

•Be Late For Something Day - For creating a release from the stresses and strains resulting from a constant need to be on time. For more info, contact: Les Waas, President, Procrastinators´ Club of America, Inc., Box 712, Bryn Athyn, PA 19009
•Anniversary of the First Continental Congress Assembly - In 1774, this first assembly of the forerunner of Congress took place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
•Jesse James´ Birthday - (b 1847) Western legend and bandit, known for bank, stagecoach and store robberies.
•Arthur Charles Nielsen´s Birthday - (b 1897) Marketing research engineer.
•Voyager I -US - In 1977, Voyager I set a new distance record when it reached 6.5 billion miles from Earth.

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